Thursday, April 2, 2009

yum.... homemade marshmallows

ok, until recently, i had no idea that you could make marshmallows at home. i just assumed these magical, fluffy creations came from a plastic package in the grocery store and no one quite knew how they got there. or maybe there's an underground sweet factory run by marshmallow gnomes. i just didn't question it.
well, it turns out that not only is it possible, it looks fairly easy to do! just look at these delicious pics:

beet marshmallows!

mmmm... strawberry marshmallows.

top photo from where she posts a recipe too. last two lovely photos from Jocelyn McAuliflower's flickr site. is your mouth watering yet?


  1. those look so awesome - I am definitely going to give the beet ones a try! I'm so glad your comments are open again.

  2. Yumm....handmade marshmallows sounds delicious and instantly gourmet. Thanks for the inspiration!

